Sunday 1 May 2016

My Frogs

When my frogs were leaving,
I thought it no big deal,
they're only frogs and even
then they weren't real.
No croaking noises in the night
I was void and uninspired.
Everything went quiet
and very, very tired.
No need to maintain
the marshes or the reeds,
and I used the sharpest blade
to cut the grass and kill the seeds.
For a long time on my hill
nothing grew at all,
while I stayed very, very still
in order not to fall.
Then health out-weighted,
by a teaspoon,
the ill that had pervaded.
And by that tiny silver moon
I heard my heart's old melody
wrench me 'til I turned
and saw the very best of me,
my army, had returned.

(Explanation: For over four years, and really for a lot of my life, I've been sick with, to put it both mildly and politely, a digestive problem. I recently received a diagnosis, and already I feel the positive impact of the treatment.Now I'm happy to see the *frills* coming back into my life, and being able to enjoy them. 
Years ago, my dad said something about frogs, something like 'they're the first to leave when there's danger, but they're the first to return when the coast is clear'.
It is 2016 and today is May 1st, traditionally the first day of Summer. Here in Co. Waterford it is a miserable day.......but perfect for frogs).